Sveučilište Jurja Dobrile u Puli

Zagrebačka 30, Pula
Centrala: +385 (52) 377 000
E-mail: ured(at)


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Global Business Practicum

What is global business practicum?

The Global Business Practicum is a project in which teams of 5-6 students, under the supervision of a faculty member.

The team spends 2 weeks doing background research on the project and determining what additional information is reguired overseas and how to obtain it.

Students participating in the global practica are expected to be mature, independent, and cooperative time-workers who are prepared to travel overseas during the project week.

The benefits to the students are:

  • Working on a current, significant project
  • Gaing first-hand international work experience
  • Cultivating cross – cultural communication skills
  • Developing effectiveness as a team player

 Responsibilities of students:

  1. Student are responsible for the travel costs.
  2. Student must have a possibility for entertaining foreign students during the project.

How can i apply ?

  • Student must fill out Application form (you can download it HERE) and send curriculum vitae and transcript of evaluation (including language) via e-mail, or in printed form to INTERNATIONAL OFFICE , Preradovićeva 1, Pula (3rd floor).
  • The deadline is Monday March 27th.

Domestic practicum

Što nam nudi global consulting projekt?

Ovaj projekat koji traje 2 tjedna namijenjen je studentima koji žele steći radno iskustvo u SAD-u . 
Poslovi se nude u mnogobrojnim nacionalnim parkovima, parkovima prirode, zabavnim parkovima hotelsko turističkim kompleksima i sl. 
Program uz usavršavanje znanja engleskog jezika omogućuje stjecanje neophodnog radnog  i međunarodnog iskustva, upotpunjavanje životopisa,upoznavanje američke culture te razvija efekat timskog rada.

Odgovornost studenta:

  • Studenti koji se žele prijaviti moraju biti neovisni, društveni i dobro se snalazit u timskom radu.
  • Studenti snose troškove putovanja (pogledaj vodič za projekt)
  • Student koji se želi prijaviti mora imati mogućnost ugostiti stranog studenta u svom domu za vrijeme trajanja projekta.
  • Studenti su obvezni snositi troškove sveukupno cca. 5500 Kn; Rok uplate je 12 mjesec 2006.g.

Kako se mogu prijaviti?

Studenti moraju predati:

  • PRIJAVU (možete snimiti OVDJE)

Potrebnu dokumentaciju poslati  na e-mail adresu ili predate u:

Fakultet ekonomije i turizma, 
Preradovićeva 1/1, 

(kabinet 55) do 27. 03. 2006.