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Profesor emeritus J. Bruce Jacobs: Re-examining Taiwan's History: "Implications for Taiwan's Future" - 8. 4. 2016.

U petak, 8. travnja 2016. u 15.00 sati (dvorana 18), dr. J. Bruce Jacobs, profesor emeritus azijskih jezika i studija Sveučilišta Monash, Australija, održat će predavanje "Re-examining Taiwan's History: Implications for Taiwan's Future". 

Sažetak predavanja:

Both the old Kuomintang regime and the Chinese today distort Taiwan's history for their own political purposes. Examining Taiwan's true history reveals that Taiwan and China had very separate histories. From the arrival of the Dutch in 1624, Taiwan underwent rule by six colonial regimes (rule by outsiders in the interests of the outsiders.) Only with democratization has Taiwan been able to reconsider its history and to pursue its own path.

Profesor Jacobs jedan je od pionira tajvanskih studija i borca za demokratizaciju Tajvana. Životopis:

Predavanje se održava u suradnji s Centrom za tajvanske studije sa sjedištem u Ljubljani (